RFK Jr. wrote the following on his Substack: [https://robertfkennedyjr.substack.com/p/new-york-post-jon-levine-wrong]
New York Post reporter Jon Levine got it wrong in his article today claiming that I said COVID was "ethnically targeted" to spare Jews.
I have never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was targeted to "spare" Jews. I accurately pointed out - during an off-the-record conversation - that China and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons and that a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows that COVID-19 appears to disproportionately affect certain races since the furin cleave docking site and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews.
In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons. I do not believe and never implied that the ethnic effect was deliberately engineered.
That study is here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32664879/.
The paper RFK linked was actually from 2020 and not 2021, and it looked at mutations in the ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes and not the furin gene, even though TMPRSS2 also has a role in the cleavage of the spike protein by furin: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7383062/]
For SARS-CoV-2 to enter cells, its surface glycoprotein spike (S) must be cleaved at two different sites by host cell proteases, which therefore represent potential drug targets. In the present study, we show that S can be cleaved by the proprotein convertase furin at the S1/S2 site and the transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2) at the S2' site. We demonstrate that TMPRSS2 is essential for activation of SARS-CoV-2 S in Calu-3 human airway epithelial cells through antisense-mediated knockdown of TMPRSS2 expression. Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 replication was also strongly inhibited by the synthetic furin inhibitor MI-1851 in human airway cells. In contrast, inhibition of endosomal cathepsins by E64d did not affect virus replication. Combining various TMPRSS2 inhibitors with furin inhibitor MI-1851 produced more potent antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 than an equimolar amount of any single serine protease inhibitor.
But anyway, in the paper that RFK linked on his Substack, there were only two references to Ashkenazis, which were in the caption of figure 1 and in the following part of text which talked about the same figure: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7360473/]
Specifically, 39% (24/61) and 54% (33/61) of deleterious variants in ACE2 occur in African/African-American (AFR) and Non-Finnish European (EUR) populations, respectively (Fig. 1b). Prevalence of deleterious variants among Latino/Admixed American (AMR), East Asian (EAS), Finnish (FIN), and South Asian (SAS) populations is 2-10%, while Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding regions (Fig. 1b).
Figure 1b shows that the number of deleterious ACE2 alleleles which occurred at least once was 0 in Ashkenazis and Amishes, 1 in Finns, 2 in South Asians, and so on:
However there's a bias where populations with a larger sample size are more likely to have one or more occurrence of a deleterious allele than populations with a smaller sample size. In gnomAD v3 which was used in the paper, some populations have a much smaller population size than other populations, so for example the number of samples that have been typed for the K26R allele of ACE2 is 53,215 for the population labeled "European (non-Finnish)" but only 2,650 for Ashkenazis and 684 for Amishes. [https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/variant/X-15600835-T-C?dataset=gnomad_r3] So the small population size explains why Ashkenazis and Amishes had zero occurrences of the deleterious alleles.
You can see the frequency of ACE2 alleles in gnomAD v3 from here: https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/gene/ENSG00000130234?dataset=gnomad_r3. Then if you click "Export variants to CSV", you can run the following R code to count how many alleles each population had that were classified as deleterious in the paper that was linked by RFK:
> al=strsplit("Ser47Pro Asn58His Asn58Asp Arg115Trp Cys141Tyr Val184Ala Ala191Pro Tyr217Cys Arg219Cys Arg219His Pro235Arg Tyr252Cys Pro263Ser Met270Val Val283Phe Lys288Thr Ile291Lys Asp292Val Glu312Lys Gly352Val Glu375Asp Met376Thr Gly377Val His378Arg Met383Thr Pro389His Asn397Asp Phe400Leu Leu410Val Leu418Ser Ser420Cys Asp427Tyr Asn437Ser Thr445Met Val447Phe Gly448Glu Met462Ile Arg482Gln Asp494Val Phe504Leu Phe504Ile Val506Ala Arg514Gly Phe523Leu Lys541Ile Ser547Cys Ser563Leu Leu570Ser Leu595Val Tyr654Ser Pro696Thr Val700Ile Arg708Trp Arg710Cys Arg710His Arg716Cys Leu722Pro Leu731Phe Arg768Trp Asp785Tyr Ser804Phe"," ")[[1]] > t=read.csv("gnomAD_v3.1.2_ENSG00000130234_2023_07_18_20_18_13.csv",check.names=F) > rows=na.omit(match(paste0("p.",al),t$`HGVS Consequence`)) > total=colSums(t[rows,grepl("Allele Number ",colnames(t))]) > deleterious=colSums(t[rows,grepl("Allele Count ",colnames(t))]) > o=data.frame(row.names=sub("Allele Number ","",names(total)),deleterious,total,ratio=deleterious/total) > o=o[order(o$ratio),];o$ratio=sprintf("%.7f",o$ratio);o deleterious total ratio Amish 0 41769 0.0000000 Middle Eastern 0 14554 0.0000000 Ashkenazi Jewish 0 161388 0.0000000 European (Finnish) 1 367360 0.0000027 South Asian 3 162912 0.0000184 East Asian 5 218231 0.0000229 Latino/Admixed American 19 640622 0.0000297 European (non-Finnish) 136 3241463 0.0000420 Other 6 91784 0.0000654 African/African American 455 1873327 0.0002429
So basically the output above shows that the total number of deleterious alleles is so miniscule that it won't make much difference.
If you look at TMPRSS2 instead of ACE2, the total number of alleles that were classified as deleterious is about 2 orders of magnitude bigger, and the ratio of deleterious alleles is the lowest in Ashkenazis and the highest in Finns:
> al=strsplit("Gly6Arg Tyr20Cys Glu23Ala Tyr37Cys Pro54Leu Thr58Met Leu91Gln Leu91Pro Gly142Arg Gly142Trp Asp144Glu Glu145Lys Cys148Phe Arg150Leu Val160Met Val171Met Gly181Arg Gly189Ala Gly189Cys Tyr190Asp Cys231Ser Leu239Phe Arg240Cys Arg255Ser Val257Met Gly259Ser Ala262Val Trp267Arg Gly282Arg Ile286Phe Thr287Pro Val292Met Ala295Gly Cys297Ser Val298Met Tyr322Cys His334Leu Pro335Leu Ser339Phe Ala347Glu Ala347Thr Ala347Val Phe357Ser Val364Ala Val364Leu Gly370Ser Gly383Arg Trp384Leu Thr387Ala Gly391Glu Ile405Thr Met424Val Gly432Ala Gly432Glu Asp435Tyr Gln438Glu Pro444Leu Gly457Arg Ser460Arg Gly462Asp Gly462Ser Cys465Tyr Arg470Ile"," ")[[1]] > t=read.csv("gnomAD_v3.1.2_ENSG00000184012_2023_07_18_23_46_03.csv",check.names=F) > rows=na.omit(match(paste0("p.",al),t$`HGVS Consequence`)) > total=colSums(t[rows,grepl("Allele Number ",colnames(t))]) > deleterious=colSums(t[rows,grepl("Allele Count ",colnames(t))]) > o=data.frame(row.names=sub("Allele Number ","",names(total)),deleterious,total,ratio=deleterious/total) > o=o[order(o$ratio),];o$ratio=sprintf("%.7f",o$ratio);o deleterious total ratio Ashkenazi Jewish 493 214382 0.0022996 Latino/Admixed American 2436 943212 0.0025827 Middle Eastern 56 19498 0.0028721 Other 430 128910 0.0033357 European (non-Finnish) 15547 4200196 0.0037015 South Asian 1157 297238 0.0038925 Amish 234 56286 0.0041573 African/African American 12223 2557968 0.0047784 East Asian 2007 320878 0.0062547 European (Finnish) 4172 653440 0.0063847
However almost all of the difference in the number of deleterious TMPRSS2 alleles is accounted by Val160Met, which has a minor allele frequency ranging from about 14% in Ashkenazis to about 39% in Finns:
So if the Val160Met allele does not actually have that much impact on suspectibility to COVID, then Ashkenazis may not have a significant advantage in terms of their profile of TMPRSS2 alleles either. And actually if Val160Met is excluded, then Ashkenazis have the second-highest ratio of deleterious TMPRSS2 alleles in gnomAD v3:
deleterious total ratio Amish 0 55378 0.0000000 Middle Eastern 0 19182 0.0000000 European (Finnish) 3 642848 0.0000047 East Asian 3 315700 0.0000095 South Asian 3 292408 0.0000103 European (non-Finnish) 61 4132214 0.0000148 Other 4 126818 0.0000315 Latino/Admixed American 35 927936 0.0000377 Ashkenazi Jewish 15 210912 0.0000711 African/African American 304 2516608 0.0001208
Another paper which has been used as a source for the claim that Ashkenazis are less suspectible to COVID than other ethnic groups is a paper by Ali et al. from 2020 titled "ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinity". [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7439997/] The paper only looked at a handful of ACE2 mutations, but the paper that RFK linked looked at a larger number of mutations of both ACE2 and TMPRSS2.
The part of the paper that conspiratards focused on was the figure shown below, which lists the 6 alleles that were analyzed in the paper so that they are ordered by their modeled level of electrostatic interaction with the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. The K26R allele which is the most common in Ashkenazis has a red background because it's the only allele which was modeled as beneficial, but the other 5 alleles were modeled as detrimental so they have a green background:
In the figure above, East Asians are shown to have the highest frequency of the I468V allele, which was modeled as the least harmful of the 5 deleterious alleles, and which some people thought meant that East Asians would have the second-most advantageous mutation profile after Ashkenazis. But actually even though the I468V allele is modeled as only mildly deleterious in the paper, and even though only about 1.1% of East Asians have the allele at gnomAD v2, the other deleterious alleles analyzed in the paper are also so rare that if you calculate a weighted average of the frequency of each allele at gnomAD multiplied by the modeled interaction energy of each mutated form of ACE2, then East Asians end up having the lowest total interaction energy level, which might theoretically make them the most suspectible to COVID. But all 6 alleles listed in the paper are so rare that there's only a tiny range of variation in the weighted averages of the energy levels, so that they range from about -40.222 kcal/mol in East Asians to about -40.175 kcal/mol in Ashkenazis:
Here's R code to reproduce the plot above:
# install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("ComplexHeatmap") # install.packages("circlize" # install.packages("colorspace") library(ComplexHeatmap) library(circlize) # for colorRamp2 library(colorspace) native=-40.2 energy=read.csv(header=F,text="G211R,-47.8 D206G,-44.9 K341R,-43.4 R219C,-42.9 I468V,-42.1 K26R,-38.1") codon=read.csv(header=F,row.names=1,text="A,Ala C,Cys D,Asp E,Glu F,Phe G,Gly H,His I,Ile K,Lys L,Leu M,Met N,Asn P,Pro Q,Gln R,Arg S,Ser T,Thr V,Val W,Trp X,Ter Y,Tyr") # freq=read.csv("gnomAD_v2.1.1_ENSG00000130234_2023_07_18_15_15_32.csv",check.names=F) # go to https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/gene/ENSG00000130234?dataset=gnomad_r2_1 and click "Export variants to CSV" freq=read.csv("https://pastebin.com/raw/sqKQ7Lk7",check.names=F) name=paste0("p.",codon[substr(energy[,1],1,1),],sub(".(.*).","\\1",energy[,1]),codon[sub(".*(.)","\\1",energy[,1]),]) rows=match(name,freq$`HGVS Consequence`) freq1=freq[rows,grepl("Allele Number ",colnames(freq))] freq2=freq[rows,grepl("Allele Count ",colnames(freq))] diff=round(energy[,2]-native,1) diff=ifelse(diff>0,paste0("+",diff),diff) m=freq2/freq1 sums=(1-colSums(m))*native+colSums(m*energy[,2]) rownames(m)=paste0(energy[,1]," (",energy[,2]," kcal/mol, diff ",diff,")") colnames(m)=paste0(sub("Allele Number ","",colnames(freq1))," (",sprintf("%.3f",sums)," kcal/mol)") m=m[,order(sums)] m=rbind(m,1-colSums(m)) rownames(m)[nrow(m)]="Wild type (-40.2 kcal/mol, diff 0)" m=m[c(1:5,7,6),] m=t(m)*100 disp=apply(m,2,sprintf,fmt="%.3f") m=sqrt(m) m[is.na(m)]=0 colcol=hcl(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,120)+15,c(60,60,60,60,60,0,60),c(60,60,60,60,60,0,60)) rowcol=hcl(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,120,120)+15,60,60) maxcolor=max(m) png("1.png",w=ncol(m)*60+2000,h=nrow(m)*60+2000,res=144) ht_opt$COLUMN_ANNO_PADDING=unit(0,"mm") ht_opt$ROW_ANNO_PADDING=unit(0,"mm") Heatmap( m, show_heatmap_legend=F, show_column_names=F, show_row_names=F, width=unit(ncol(m)*58,"pt"), height=unit(nrow(m)*28,"pt"), cluster_columns=F, cluster_rows=F, na_col="white", rect_gp=gpar(col="gray80",lwd=0), bottom_annotation=columnAnnotation(text=anno_text(gt_render(colnames(m),padding=unit(c(3,3,3,3),"mm")),just="left",rot=270,gp=gpar(fontsize=17,col=colcol))), right_annotation=rowAnnotation(text=anno_text(gt_render(rownames(m),padding=unit(c(3,3,3,3),"mm")),just="left",location=unit(0,"npc"),gp=gpar(fontsize=17,col=rowcol,border="gray70",lwd=0))), col=colorRamp2(seq(0,maxcolor,,7),colorspace::hex(colorspace::HSV(c(210,210,130,60,40,20,0),c(0,.5,.5,.5,.5,.5,.5),1))), cell_fun=\(j,i,x,y,w,h,fill)grid.text(disp[i,j],x,y,gp=gpar(fontsize=15,col="black")) ) dev.off() system("mogrify -gravity center -trim -border 16 -bordercolor white 1.png")
From the figure by Ali et al. I showed above, it's not clear that even though the K26R allele is the most common in Ashkenazis out of the handful of populations at gnomAD, the frequency of the allele in Ashkenazis is still only about 1.2% in gnomAD v2 and about 1.3% in gnomAD v3, so it won't give Ashkenazis any kind of a major advantage. [https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/variant/X-15618958-T-C?dataset=gnomad_r2_1, https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/variant/X-15600835-T-C?dataset=gnomad_r3] This table shows the frequency of the SNP which produces the K26R allele at gnomAD v2.1.1:
There's only a small number of populations at gnomAD, and other populations that are missing from gnomAD might have a higher frequency of the K26R allele than Ashkenazis. In Supplementary Table 1 from Ali et al. which is shown below, the frequencies of the ACE2 alleles are also reported among samples from 1000 Genomes, but the populations at 1000 Genomes are aggregated into continental groups so you can't see the results of individual ethnic groups apart from Han Chinese. It's probably because 1000 Genomes only has around a hundred or fewer samples per ethnic group, so the sample sizes are too small to accurately estimate the frequency of alleles that only appear in less than 1% or 0.1% of the population:
Even though the K26R mutation was modeled as beneficial in the paper by Ali et al., it was modeled as detrimental in two other papers (from the point of views of humans who wish to avoid getting infected with the virus and not from the point of view of the virus).
In the other paper titled "New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis", the authors wrote: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7654750/]
Three SNVs, E329G (rs143936283), M82I (rs267606406) and K26R (rs4646116), had a significant reduction in binding free energy, which indicated higher binding affinity than wild-type ACE2 and greater susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection for people with them.
And in the other paper titled "Molecular simulation of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binding to pangolin ACE2 or human ACE2 natural variants reveals altered susceptibility to infection", the authors wrote: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7843038/]
The K26, which is just proximal to the first region of the ACE2 receptor involved in S-protein binding, has been shown previously to bind the sterically hindering first mannose in the glycan that is linked to N90 and thus stabilizes the glycan moiety hindering the binding of S-protein RBD to ACE2 [41] (Figure 2A). The missense variant R26 creates a new hydrogen bond with D30, which is then poised to build a salt-bridge with the S-protein RBD K417 that increases the affinity of SARS-CoV-2 to the ACE2 receptor [21] (Figure 2B). Indeed, the ACE2 K26R activating variant was extremely rare in East Asian (MAF = 0.007%), Africans (MAF = 0.095%), but the second most common variant in Europeans with MAF of 0.587% (shown in green fonts in Table 1). The MAF of this variant in the Kuwaiti population was nearly half that of Europeans (MAF = 0.29%), and it was absent from the Qatari and Iranian exome data (Table 1). Our structural modeling supports the notion that K26R is an ACE2 receptor activating variant (Figure 2A, B). Consistent with these findings, using a synthetic human ACE2 mutant library, a recent study reported that the R26 variant increased S-protein binding and susceptibility to the virus significantly [42].
The Reich dataset is a collection of over 10,000 ancient and modern human genetic samples. [https://reich.hms.harvard.edu/allen-ancient-dna-resource-aadr-downloadable-genotypes-present-day-and-ancient-dna-data] Viruses have such short genomes that it's easy to do genetic analysis of viruses using whole genome sequences, but humans have much longer genomes and there is little variation between humans for the vast majority of nucleotide positions, so in human population genetics it's common to only analyze subsets of SNPs which have a considerable level of variation across humans. One subset of SNPs that is used by the Reich dataset is called the 1240K panel, and it includes about 1.2 million SNPs. So the Reich dataset is essentially a table which has over 10,000 rows for different human genetic samples, and it has about 1.2 million columns for each SNP which indicate whether each sample has 0, 1, or 2 copies of the SNP (even though there is also another version of the dataset which only has about 600,000 SNPs but which includes a larger number of present-day samples in addition to ancient samples).
In the paper about ACE2 and TMPRSS alleles that RFK linked on his Substack, the only allele with a high minor allele frequency was the Val160Met allele of the TMPRSS2 gene. The allele is produced by the rs12329760 SNP, which is included in the 1240K SNP panel. I calculated the frequency of the SNP in populations of the Reich dataset that have at least 20 samples that are not missing data for the SNP. The modern populations with the lowest frequency for the SNP were Peruvians, Bedouins from Israel, and Mozabite Berbers. However Ashkenazis or other Jewish populations are not included, because I used the 1240K version of the Reich dataset which has a small number of present-day samples, but the allele still appears to be less common in Mediterranean populations than in Northern Europeans, East Asians, or sub-Saharan Africans:
$ brew install plink2 [...] $ curl https://github.com/chrchang/eigensoft/raw/master/mac/convertf>/usr/local/bin/convertf;chmod +x /usr/local/bin/convertf $ wget https://reichdata.hms.harvard.edu/pub/datasets/amh_repo/curated_releases/V54/V54.1.p1/SHARE/public.dir/v54.1.p1_1240K_public.{anno,ind,snp,geno} $ x=v54.1.p1_1240K_public;convertf -p <(printf %s\\n genotypename:\ $x.geno snpname:\ $x.snp indivname:\ $x.ind outputformat:\ PACKEDPED genotypeoutname:\ $x.bed snpoutname:\ $x.bim indivoutname:\ $x.fam) [...] $ plink2 --bfile v54.1.p1_1240K_public --extract <(echo rs12329760) --recode A [...] $ printf %s\\n 'ACB.SG;Afro-Caribbean, Barbados' 'ASW.SG;African-American' 'BEB.SG;Bangladesh' 'CDX.SG;Chinese Dai' 'CEU.SG;Utah white' 'CHB.SG;Han, Beijing' 'CHS.SG;Southern Han' 'CLM.SG;Medellin, Colombia' 'ESN.SG;Esan, Nigeria' 'FIN.SG;Finnish' 'GBR.SG;British' 'GIH.SG;Gujaratis, Houston' 'GWD.SG;Gambia, Western Divisions' 'IBS_CanaryIslands.SG;Canary Islands' 'IBS.SG;Spanish' 'ITU.SG;Telugu, United Kingdom' 'JPT.SG;Japanese' 'KHV.SG;Vietnamese' 'LWK.SG;Kenya, Webuye' 'MSL.SG;Mende, Sierra Leone' 'MXL.SG;Mexican-American, Los Angeles' 'PEL.SG;Peru, Lima' 'PJL.SG;Pakistan, Punjab Lahore' 'PUR.SG;Puerto Rico' 'STU.SG;Tamils, United Kingdom' 'TSI.SG;Italy, Tuscany' 'YRI.SG;Yoruba'>1kgpop $ awk '$7!="NA"{n[$1]++;c[$1]+=$7}END{for(i in n)if(n[i]>=20)print i,100*c[i]/n[i]/2,c[i],2*n[i]}' plink.raw|sort -rnk2|awk '{$2=sprintf("%.1f",$2)}1'|tr \ \;|awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;next}$1 in a{$1="1KG: "a[$1]}1' {,O}FS=\; 1kgpop -|(echo 'population;pct;deleterious;total';cat)|column -ts\; population pct deleterious total USA_MarianaIslands_Latte 56.4 44 78 1KG: Japanese 45.4 88 194 Guam_Latte 43.9 50 114 1KG: Finnish 42.7 76 178 1KG: Han, Beijing 39.8 78 196 1KG: Southern Han 39.6 80 202 Han.SDG 39.3 33 84 Estonia_EarlyViking.SG 37.5 24 64 1KG: Chinese Dai 37.2 73 196 Serbia_IronGates_Mesolithic 36.4 16 44 1KG: Gambia, Western Divisions 35.7 80 224 Japanese.SDG 35.2 19 54 1KG: Mende, Sierra Leone 33.3 56 168 1KG: Kenya, Webuye 33.3 62 186 1KG: Vietnamese 33.0 64 194 Brahui.SDG 31.8 14 44 1KG: African-American 31.6 36 114 1KG: Afro-Caribbean, Barbados 30.4 56 184 Yakut.SDG 30.0 12 40 1KG: Bangladesh 29.8 50 168 1KG: Tamils, United Kingdom 29.3 58 198 England_Viking.SG 28.6 12 42 1KG: Yoruba 27.7 52 188 Spain_C 27.3 12 44 Czech_CordedWare 27.3 18 66 Russian.SDG 27.1 13 48 England_MIA_LIA 26.2 22 84 Czech_IA_LaTene 26.1 12 46 1KG: Mexican-American, Los Angeles 25.8 32 124 England_MIA 25.7 36 140 Czech_BellBeaker 25.7 18 70 1KG: Pakistan, Punjab Lahore 25.0 48 192 England_EastYorkshire_MIA_LIA 25.0 12 48 1KG: Esan, Nigeria 24.5 48 196 Scotland_N 24.1 14 58 Croatia_C_Lasinja 24.0 12 50 Yoruba.SDG 23.8 10 42 1KG: Italy, Tuscany 23.6 50 212 Sweden_Viking.SG 23.5 40 170 1KG: Utah white 22.2 44 198 1KG: British 20.9 38 182 1KG: Medellin, Colombia 20.7 38 184 1KG: Spanish 20.6 42 204 Denmark_Viking.SG 20.5 18 88 Italy_Imperial.SG 20.0 8 40 1KG: Telugu, United Kingdom 19.6 40 204 Czech_EBA_Unetice 19.3 32 166 Germany_BellBeaker 19.0 8 42 Palestinian.SDG 18.6 13 70 France_MN 18.2 8 44 Norway_Viking.SG 17.6 12 68 1KG: Gujaratis, Houston 17.6 36 204 Balochi.SDG 17.5 7 40 1KG: Puerto Rico 16.3 32 196 Switzerland_LN 15.0 6 40 England_EIA 15.0 6 40 Basque.SDG 14.3 6 42 Sardinian.SDG 14.0 7 50 Burusho.SDG 13.6 6 44 Kalash.SDG 11.9 5 42 Iceland_Viking.SG 10.0 4 40 French.SDG 10.0 5 50 Druze.SDG 9.0 7 78 Makrani.SDG 7.5 3 40 Cuba_CanimarAbajo_Archaic 5.3 4 76 England_C_EBA 4.8 2 42 Mozabite.SDG 4.5 2 44 Pakistan_Loebanr_IA 4.3 2 46 BedouinA.SDG 4.0 2 50 1KG: Peru, Lima 2.9 4 138 Germany_EN_LBK 0.0 0 42 Dominican_LaCaleta_Ceramic 0.0 0 72
When I searched for studies about the Val160Met allele, I found a paper titled "Initial study on TMPRSS2 p.Val160Met genetic variant in COVID-19 patients", where the authors found that people with the Val160Met mutation had a higher viral load and a higher mortality rate than people without the mutation, but the sample size of the study was only 95 so the findings may have been due to chance: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8127183/]
We genotyped 95 patients with COVID-19 hospitalised in Dr Soetomo General Hospital and Indrapura Field Hospital (Surabaya, Indonesia) for the TMPRSS2 p.Val160Met polymorphism. Polymorphism was detected using a TaqMan assay. We then analysed the association between the presence of the genetic variant and disease severity and viral load. We did not observe any correlation between the presence of TMPRSS2 genetic variant and the severity of the disease. However, we identified a significant association between the p.Val160Met polymorphism and the SARS-CoV-2 viral load, as estimated by the Ct value of the diagnostic nucleic acid amplification test. Furthermore, we observed a trend of association between the presence of the C allele and the mortality rate in patients with severe COVID-19.
When I searched for genome-wide association studies about COVID, I found a paper titled "Genetic variants are identified to increase risk of COVID-19 related mortality from UK Biobank data": [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7856608/]
In this project, we consider the mortality as the trait of interest and perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of data for 1778 infected cases (445 deaths, 25.03%) distributed by the UK Biobank. Traditional GWAS fails to identify any genome-wide significant genetic variants from this dataset. To enhance the power of GWAS and account for possible multi-loci interactions, we adopt the concept of super variant for the detection of genetic factors. A discovery-validation procedure is used for verifying the potential associations.
We find 8 super variants that are consistently identified across multiple replications as susceptibility loci for COVID-19 mortality. The identified risk factors on chromosomes 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, and 17 contain genetic variants and genes related to cilia dysfunctions (DNAH7 and CLUAP1), cardiovascular diseases (DES and SPEG), thromboembolic disease (STXBP5), mitochondrial dysfunctions (TOMM7), and innate immune system (WSB1). It is noteworthy that DNAH7 has been reported recently as the most downregulated gene after infecting human bronchial epithelial cells with SARS-CoV-2.
The super-variants that were discovered in the study had a huge effect on mortality, so for example in people with the super-variant chr17_26, the risk of dying within a month from a positive COVID test was almost 40%, which was more than double the average risk within the patient population that was included in the study. So the effect of the super-variants is probably a lot bigger than the effect of the ACE2 or TMPRSS2 mutations that were analyzed in the other papers:
There were a total of 23 SNPs associated with the 8 "super-variants", so I scraped gnomAD's website for the allele frequency table of all 23 SNPs, and I calculated a sum of the frequency of each SNP multiplied by its odds ratio listed in the paper (which I know is not the correct way to calculate a polygenic score, but you'll have to deal with my redneck methodology). But anyway, East Asians had the highest score, where a higher score means a more deleterious profile of alleles, and Ashkenazis had the second-lowest score after non-Finnish-non-Ashkenazi Europeans:
$ Rscript -e 't=read.csv("supervariants.csv");t=t[t$allele_number!=0,];o=round(sort(tapply(t$odds_ratio*t$allele_count/t$allele_number,t$population,sum)),2);writeLines(paste(o,names(o)))' 5.51 European (non-Finnish) 5.59 Ashkenazi Jewish 6.08 Other 6.28 African/African American 6.67 European (Finnish) 7.28 Latino/Admixed American 9.04 East Asian $ cat supervariants.csv snp,odds_ratio,population,allele_count,allele_number rs73060484,1.945,Latino/Admixed American,215,846 rs73060484,1.945,East Asian,338,1558 rs73060484,1.945,European (Finnish),564,3472 rs73060484,1.945,Other,125,1088 rs73060484,1.945,African/African American,882,8702 rs73060484,1.945,Ashkenazi Jewish,23,290 rs73060484,1.945,European (non-Finnish),1066,15422 rs73060484,1.945,South Asian,0,0 rs77578623,1.939,Latino/Admixed American,203,796 rs77578623,1.939,East Asian,334,1532 rs77578623,1.939,European (Finnish),487,3016 rs77578623,1.939,Other,117,1014 rs77578623,1.939,African/African American,844,8402 rs77578623,1.939,Ashkenazi Jewish,23,288 rs77578623,1.939,European (non-Finnish),1026,14960 rs77578623,1.939,South Asian,0,0 rs74417002,1.832,African/African American,543,8700 rs74417002,1.832,European (non-Finnish),398,15418 rs74417002,1.832,Other,20,1086 rs74417002,1.832,Ashkenazi Jewish,5,290 rs74417002,1.832,Latino/Admixed American,13,848 rs74417002,1.832,European (Finnish),40,3472 rs74417002,1.832,East Asian,0,1560 rs74417002,1.832,South Asian,0,0 rs73070529,2.249,Latino/Admixed American,214,844 rs73070529,2.249,East Asian,296,1546 rs73070529,2.249,African/African American,1648,8628 rs73070529,2.249,European (Finnish),281,3462 rs73070529,2.249,Other,84,1074 rs73070529,2.249,Ashkenazi Jewish,19,290 rs73070529,2.249,European (non-Finnish),666,15320 rs73070529,2.249,South Asian,0,0 rs113892140,2.031,Latino/Admixed American,209,846 rs113892140,2.031,African/African American,1928,8600 rs113892140,2.031,East Asian,298,1548 rs113892140,2.031,European (Finnish),280,3438 rs113892140,2.031,Other,86,1074 rs113892140,2.031,Ashkenazi Jewish,12,288 rs113892140,2.031,European (non-Finnish),612,15238 rs113892140,2.031,South Asian,0,0 rs200008298,1.8,Ashkenazi Jewish,9,290 rs200008298,1.8,European (Finnish),100,3472 rs200008298,1.8,European (non-Finnish),420,15414 rs200008298,1.8,Other,25,1084 rs200008298,1.8,African/African American,135,8712 rs200008298,1.8,Latino/Admixed American,8,846 rs200008298,1.8,East Asian,0,1560 rs200008298,1.8,South Asian,0,0 rs183712207,4.783,European (Finnish),232,3466 rs183712207,4.783,Other,26,1084 rs183712207,4.783,European (non-Finnish),213,15376 rs183712207,4.783,Latino/Admixed American,10,848 rs183712207,4.783,African/African American,38,8690 rs183712207,4.783,East Asian,1,1556 rs183712207,4.783,Ashkenazi Jewish,0,290 rs183712207,4.783,South Asian,0,0 rs191631470,3.335,European (Finnish),234,3474 rs191631470,3.335,Other,26,1088 rs191631470,3.335,European (non-Finnish),212,15428 rs191631470,3.335,Latino/Admixed American,10,846 rs191631470,3.335,Ashkenazi Jewish,2,290 rs191631470,3.335,African/African American,24,8716 rs191631470,3.335,East Asian,0,1560 rs191631470,3.335,South Asian,0,0 rs2176724,1.484,African/African American,3047,8654 rs2176724,1.484,Ashkenazi Jewish,33,290 rs2176724,1.484,Other,122,1086 rs2176724,1.484,European (non-Finnish),1708,15372 rs2176724,1.484,Latino/Admixed American,71,838 rs2176724,1.484,European (Finnish),243,3458 rs2176724,1.484,East Asian,1,1556 rs2176724,1.484,South Asian,0,0 rs71040457,1.331,East Asian,1249,1532 rs71040457,1.331,European (Finnish),2480,3428 rs71040457,1.331,European (non-Finnish),9731,15106 rs71040457,1.331,Latino/Admixed American,538,840 rs71040457,1.331,Other,681,1064 rs71040457,1.331,Ashkenazi Jewish,154,286 rs71040457,1.331,African/African American,1332,8596 rs71040457,1.331,South Asian,0,0 rs117928001,2.749,European (non-Finnish),956,15428 rs117928001,2.749,Other,41,1088 rs117928001,2.749,European (Finnish),129,3472 rs117928001,2.749,Latino/Admixed American,26,848 rs117928001,2.749,Ashkenazi Jewish,7,290 rs117928001,2.749,African/African American,88,8700 rs117928001,2.749,East Asian,1,1560 rs117928001,2.749,South Asian,0,0 rs116898161,2.541,European (non-Finnish),905,15416 rs116898161,2.541,European (Finnish),128,3468 rs116898161,2.541,Other,39,1084 rs116898161,2.541,Latino/Admixed American,25,846 rs116898161,2.541,Ashkenazi Jewish,7,290 rs116898161,2.541,African/African American,73,8710 rs116898161,2.541,East Asian,1,1560 rs116898161,2.541,South Asian,0,0 rs13227460,1.3,European (Finnish),923,3412 rs13227460,1.3,European (non-Finnish),4084,15278 rs13227460,1.3,Latino/Admixed American,183,842 rs13227460,1.3,Other,229,1072 rs13227460,1.3,Ashkenazi Jewish,48,290 rs13227460,1.3,East Asian,221,1558 rs13227460,1.3,African/African American,699,8684 rs13227460,1.3,South Asian,0,0 rs55986907,1.601,Ashkenazi Jewish,107,286 rs55986907,1.601,Latino/Admixed American,312,846 rs55986907,1.601,European (Finnish),1076,3468 rs55986907,1.601,European (non-Finnish),4522,15376 rs55986907,1.601,Other,314,1088 rs55986907,1.601,East Asian,263,1560 rs55986907,1.601,African/African American,1247,8686 rs55986907,1.601,South Asian,0,0 rs7817272,1.736,East Asian,934,1552 rs7817272,1.736,African/African American,3130,8690 rs7817272,1.736,Latino/Admixed American,219,846 rs7817272,1.736,Other,253,1086 rs7817272,1.736,European (Finnish),798,3476 rs7817272,1.736,Ashkenazi Jewish,55,290 rs7817272,1.736,European (non-Finnish),2833,15404 rs7817272,1.736,South Asian,0,0 rs4735444,1.784,East Asian,931,1554 rs4735444,1.784,African/African American,2991,8694 rs4735444,1.784,Latino/Admixed American,218,848 rs4735444,1.784,Other,253,1086 rs4735444,1.784,Ashkenazi Jewish,67,290 rs4735444,1.784,European (Finnish),782,3472 rs4735444,1.784,European (non-Finnish),2928,15416 rs4735444,1.784,South Asian,0,0 rs2874140,1.694,East Asian,947,1552 rs2874140,1.694,African/African American,3404,8674 rs2874140,1.694,Latino/Admixed American,216,846 rs2874140,1.694,Other,258,1086 rs2874140,1.694,European (Finnish),794,3458 rs2874140,1.694,Ashkenazi Jewish,57,286 rs2874140,1.694,European (non-Finnish),2838,15376 rs2874140,1.694,South Asian,0,0 rs7007951,1.711,East Asian,927,1556 rs7007951,1.711,African/African American,2945,8700 rs7007951,1.711,Latino/Admixed American,214,848 rs7007951,1.711,Other,245,1086 rs7007951,1.711,European (Finnish),771,3470 rs7007951,1.711,Ashkenazi Jewish,56,290 rs7007951,1.711,European (non-Finnish),2726,15412 rs7007951,1.711,South Asian,0,0 rs920576,1.615,East Asian,947,1550 rs920576,1.615,African/African American,2706,8676 rs920576,1.615,Latino/Admixed American,219,844 rs920576,1.615,Ashkenazi Jewish,70,290 rs920576,1.615,Other,259,1076 rs920576,1.615,European (Finnish),799,3460 rs920576,1.615,European (non-Finnish),2966,15398 rs920576,1.615,South Asian,0,0 rs9804218,1.373,Ashkenazi Jewish,192,248 rs9804218,1.373,European (non-Finnish),7912,12902 rs9804218,1.373,Other,553,942 rs9804218,1.373,European (Finnish),1752,3062 rs9804218,1.373,Latino/Admixed American,306,666 rs9804218,1.373,African/African American,3135,6942 rs9804218,1.373,East Asian,183,1448 rs9804218,1.373,South Asian,0,0 rs2301762,2.541,East Asian,281,1558 rs2301762,2.541,Latino/Admixed American,60,848 rs2301762,2.541,European (Finnish),226,3474 rs2301762,2.541,Other,66,1088 rs2301762,2.541,European (non-Finnish),886,15422 rs2301762,2.541,Ashkenazi Jewish,8,290 rs2301762,2.541,African/African American,105,8716 rs2301762,2.541,South Asian,0,0 rs60811869,2.966,European (non-Finnish),376,15432 rs60811869,2.966,African/African American,212,8714 rs60811869,2.966,Ashkenazi Jewish,7,290 rs60811869,2.966,Other,22,1088 rs60811869,2.966,Latino/Admixed American,17,848 rs60811869,2.966,European (Finnish),56,3476 rs60811869,2.966,East Asian,24,1558 rs60811869,2.966,South Asian,0,0 rs117217714,6.255,Ashkenazi Jewish,5,290 rs117217714,6.255,Other,10,1084 rs117217714,6.255,European (non-Finnish),134,15420 rs117217714,6.255,European (Finnish),12,3472 rs117217714,6.255,African/African American,15,8706 rs117217714,6.255,Latino/Admixed American,1,848 rs117217714,6.255,East Asian,0,1556 rs117217714,6.255,South Asian,0,0
However in order to accurately the estimate the suspectibility of different ethnic groups to COVID, you'd need to do a GWAS with a bigger sample size and you'd need to look at more than just 23 SNPs.
In June 2023 RFK Jr. got in trouble because he said that Ashkenazis had a recduced risk of COVID due to a paper published by BMC Medicine, where Ashkenazis and Amishes had zero instances of ACE2 alleles that were classified as harmful. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12916-020-01673-z] I may have been the first person who pointed out that it was because the paper used data from gnomAD and Ashkenazis and Amishes had a small sample size at gnomAD.
In August 2024 the journal which published the paper published a belated response to the paper, where the authors wrote the following: [https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-024-03539-0]
Early in the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, in this journal, Hou et al. (BMC Med 18:216, 2020) interpreted public genotype data, run through functional prediction tools, as suggesting that members of particular human populations carry potentially COVID-risk-increasing variants in genes ACE2 and TMPRSS2 far more often than do members of other populations. Beyond resting on predictions rather than clinical outcomes, and focusing on variants too rare to typify population members even jointly, their claim mistook a well known artifact (that large samples reveal more of a population's variants than do small samples) as if showing real and congruent population differences for the two genes, rather than lopsided population sampling in their shared source data. We explain that artifact, and contrast it with empirical findings, now ample, that other loci shape personal COVID risks far more significantly than do ACE2and TMPRSS2 - and that variation in ACE2 and TMPRSS2 per se unlikely exacerbates any net population disparity in the effects of such more risk-informative loci.
Alas, Hou et al. had neglected a basic feature of the public data they used - lopsided population sample sizes - that made their summary findings artifactually likely even with no difference between real populations. Specifically, they had pooled genotypes from > 36,000 "non-Finnish European" and > 23,000 "African/African-American" people, but far fewer "Amish" (450), "Ashkenazi" (1662), "East Asian" (1567), or other (< 15,000) people.Footnote 2 As such, even if variants were uniformly distributed across real populations, Hou et al. would likelier find a given rare variant in either of their big samples ("African/African-American" or "non-Finnish European") than in any of their much smaller samples of other groups.
The authors also pointed out that alleles of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are not likely among the main determinants of genetic risk of COVID:
To that end, frequency-sensitive summary metrics show less variation in human ACE2, both within and between most human populations, than for most other X-borne or autosomal [21, 22, 28, 29] human genes, limiting the extent to which populations' distinctive histories may yield disparate patterns of variation. By comparison, such well grounded summary metrics show more overall variation in human TMPRSS2 [21] - much of it shared across populations, in varied patterns that reflect the cross-regional spread of variants old (and generally non-harmful) enough to have become common.
Importantly, even beyond the two genes' contrasting patterns of variation, pandemic-long cohort outcomes have not shown variation in either ACE2 or TMPRSS2 to shape personal COVID risks nearly as significantly as variation elsewhere in our genomes - including the most strongly and significantly risk-shaping locus, on the short arm of chromosome 3; the ABO blood group locus on chromosome 9; and other autosomal loci [1,2,3,4,5, 17, 30]. Some non-protein-altering variants in ACE2 and TMPRSS2 have met multiple-test-stringent significance criteria for association with risks of SARS-CoV2 infection (an ACE2 regulatory variant cluster) or severity (TMPRSS2 intronic variant), but their significance falls short of that evident for other loci. And among variants shortlisted by Hou et al., only one (the relatively common TMPRSS2 p.V160M) has shown even suggestive (not multiple-test-stringent) evidence for association with any COVID risk [30,31,32,33] - while broader tests, tuned and powered specifically to detect rare variant association per se in clinically characterized population cohorts, have not implicated shortlisted or other rare protein-coding variation in either gene in COVID risks [34, 35].